RBTI testing is a non-invasive 7-part assessment completed on fresh urine and saliva samples.

Anyone wanting more energy and the benefits of balanced body chemistry.

RBTI is the abbreviated term for Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. RBTI is a working explanation of biological life's fundamental ionic energy composition and function.

This theory was discovered, developed, and proven through the unique work of agronomist, biochemist, and mathematician Dr. Carey A. Reams, beginning in the 1930s.


"Why guess when you can be sure?"
- Carey A. Reams

In RBTI, the perfect body chemistry is

These factors in the equation produce a pattern that shows whether or not your body chemistry has too much or not enough of the following:

Each number relates to the others in an integrated pattern. Any change in one number is a change in all numbers.

WHY do we use this

We prefer to start all of our clients off with biochemistry balancing. This enables us to evaluate the status of your internal terrain. Understanding the mathematical equation concerning how the body currently functions guides us in the next steps to supporting your health goals.

Once we support the body in aligning with more energy and better use of resources, it will be prepared for further achievements of health goals and considerations.

What to expect at your

Step 1
You will provide a current urine and saliva sample upon arrival. So ensure you have a 'sample' to provide. That may mean ignoring past 'mom' wisdom and showing up with a full bladder, though we only need ¼ cup or so.

Regarding the saliva, ensure NOTHING is in your mouth for 15 minutes before you provide the sample. That even means water!
Step 2
Your Practitioner will use chemicals and instruments to test the samples provided. They will log the results on a chart. This chart will be your take-home document for reference.
Step 3
Your Practitioner will cultivate a customized wellness plan based on the biochemical pattern presented from the testing. They will base supplements and lifestyle adjustments on improving your body chemistry for wellness.

You cannot concentrate on any single number in the equation. The relationship of one number to another produces a pattern that makes a picture of the body chemistry.

(1) Carbohydrate levels
Indicates the total carbohydrate found in the urine; whether there is an oxygen deficiency: the brain is susceptible to changes in oxygen levels; the impact on insulin; whether vitamin C, A, Iron, and Iodine are available. These deficiencies will mainly affect the eyes, skin, bone marrow, blood, liver, and immune system functions.
(2) Urine pH:
A urine pH of 6.4 is perfect when all other numbers are perfect. A drop in the pH would be an increase in acidity. A rise in pH would be an increase in alkalinity. The urine pH indicates whether nutrients are available to the organs to build healthy cells or deteriorating due to mineral deficiencies.
(3) Saliva pH
It indicates the nutrients, especially calcium, that are available to the liver for the best function. A calcium deficiency in the liver affects its health and the health of every organ in the body. The liver produces about 5 billion enzymes each day to keep us in perfect health; all the nutrients of digestion go first to the liver, where they are altered, stored, and distributed to the other organs as needed. The saliva pH indicates the strength of the gastric juice and the bile. The further the pHs drift from perfect in either direction, the greater is the loss of energy. The pHs are significant indicators of the calcium(s) and the other nutrients the diet lacks.
(4) Salts:
This is the total salts of which there are about 48 different kinds that are thrown off through the urine. They come from worn-out cells, mineral salts from food, and table salts. This number represents the level of salt retention. Excess salt levels affect all organs and tissues that contain smooth muscles. This includes the muscular layers in all the blood vessels, veins and arteries, lymph vessels, all the ducts of glands and bladders of organs, and the digestive tract. Excess salts relate to diverticula pockets in the bowels, hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol, heart palpitation, cardiac arrest, heart attacks, crib death, and some nerve problems.
(5) Debris:
This refers to the number of particles or cellular debris (particles of dead cells) in the urine. A person with perfect numbers would be throwing off very little cellular debris because digestion, cellular renewal, metabolism, and energy utilization would be perfect. The higher the debris counts, the greater the vitamin C deficiency and the more polluted the bloodstream; there is increased kidney stress and the necessity for cleansing the blood and lymph. Worn-out cells that are not washed out by drinking enough pure water will become soluble salts in 3 days and compound the damaging effects of the high salts mentioned above.
(6) Nitrate Nitrogen:
This number is one of the urea(s) that indicates how well the body is digesting and utilizing protein. Protein digestion is determined by proper liver function, which relates to proper organ and glandular functioning. If liver function is weak, protein is not utilized, which causes a lack of amino acids in the blood and a loss of reserve energy.

If there is too much of a build-up of urea, this causes the heart to beat too hard. A high initial nitrate nitrogen number, especially if combined with a high combined salt number and a high ammoniacal nitrogen number, indicates undue cardiac stress. On the other hand, low nitrate nitrogen that rises in accordance with shifts in other numbers may be a very good sign as it indicates that the body is now manufacturing sufficient amino acids.
(7) Ammonia Nitrogen:
It is the other part of the urea, and it can affect cardiovascular energy. Together with the salts, pHs, and debris, it can give an indication as to proper kidney function.

Each urea number is essential in itself relative to the overall pattern. But the combined ureas are also significant in the equation. The higher the urea, the thicker the blood and the less able it is to exchange life-giving nutrients and carry the waste away from the cells efficiently. Hence a loss of energy results, and cells die prematurely.

The Bottom Line:

With perfect body chemistry, all the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes are in the proper ratio within the body. This ratio allows your body to utilize the resources needed to create a healthy you.